Fractal Impact

Supporting the T in LGBTQ+

The struggle for LGBTQ+ rights is complex, with challenges and triumphs unique to each group within the community. The "T" in LGBTQ+, representing our transgender siblings, often faces heightened levels of misunderstanding, discrimination, and violence.

In the corporate sphere, these challenges are exacerbated. From the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, we learn that one in four respondents reported losing a job due to bias, and three-quarters had taken steps to avoid mistreatment in the workplace, like hiding their transgender status or delaying their transition.

Over my career, I've experienced both ends of the spectrum when it comes to corporate attitudes towards LGBTQ+ inclusivity. There are companies that make concerted efforts to create welcoming environments and foster diversity, with policies protecting LGBTQ+ employees and even celebrating their identities.

However, the opposite also exists. I've encountered corporate cultures that exclude their LGBTQ+ employees, practicing subtle or explicit forms of discrimination. These companies might not openly express homophobia, transphobia, or queerphobia, but their negligence and exclusionary practices betray their indifference to the wellbeing and dignity of their LGBTQ+ employees.

We must challenge this status quo, and that requires action on multiple fronts. As employees, allies, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, we cannot stand by silently. We must hold companies accountable for their discriminatory practices and pressure them to enact inclusive policies.

Corporations hold enormous societal influence, and they can use this power to effect positive change. This means advocating for legislative change, resisting discriminatory laws, and providing financial and vocal support for organizations committed to transgender equality such as the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund.

We are all called upon to be active allies. We must stand united with the transgender community—combatting transphobia, educating ourselves and others about their unique challenges, and pushing for inclusive policies within our workplaces and communities.

This fight extends beyond the bounds of Pride Month—it's a daily commitment, a constant battle against systemic biases and discrimination. As we conclude this series, I call upon each one of you to join this fight. Our collective voices matter.

This battle is not passive—it demands active engagement. We must actively challenge those who hinder our progress. Let's break the silence and resist the status quo. Remember, silence is the greatest ally of injustice.

Let's stay proud, loud, and unyielding. Let's work towards a world that doesn't merely tolerate us but celebrates us every single day. This isn't just about making a statement; it's about making a difference. Our fight isn't over, but together, we are formidable. Stand with us.

Intro: Embracing Authenticity and Diversity in #PrideMonth & Beyond

Part 1: Standing Against Queerphobia

Part 2: Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees in Pride Month and Beyond

Part 3: Amplifying LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in the Workplace 

Part 4: Supporting the T in LGBTQ+

About the author

Nick Bianchi

Nick believes in the power of unconventional thinking and bringing something new and fresh to the table. By embracing both the "nice" and "weird" connections, Nick and his network strive to create stronger relationships and innovative solutions.