Fractal Impact

Truth. Beauty. Goodness. Equality. Justice.

Truth Beauty-1Recently, my cousin found a small card in my grandmother's recipe rolodex with the words

"truth. beauty. goodness. equality. justice."

written on it, with no further context or references. This discovery brought back so many memories of my grandmother, Jean, who we affectionately called Gramma Jean.

With a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, Gramma Jean always had a story to tell. Whether it was about her adventures as a nurse anesthetist, or about her many grandchildren, she never failed to captivate those around her with her wit and wisdom. But there was one person who always made her particularly excited to talk about, and that was Anderson Cooper. She was a huge fan of his and loved to watch him on CNN, always admiring his intelligence and charisma.

Interestingly, Gramma Jean was also a fan of Chuck Norris, who embodies strength and courage, two traits that she herself possessed. She faced many challenges in her life, but she always faced them with grace and determination. And just like Chuck Norris, she was always ready for a good laugh. I will never forget when she put on a "YOLO" shirt in her late 80s just to humor me, showing just how young at heart she was.

Jean Bianchi-1As I got older, I began to understand why Gramma Jean was so drawn to Anderson Cooper and Chuck Norris. Like them, she believed in truth, beauty, goodness, equality, and justice. These were the values that she lived by every day, and she instilled them in me & all her grandkids. She taught us to always be honest, to appreciate the beauty in the world, to do good for others, to treat everyone with fairness and respect, and to stand up for what is right.

In a world that can often be dark and difficult, Gramma Jean was a shining light. Her unwavering commitment to these values inspired me to strive to be the best version of myself, and I am forever grateful for her love and guidance. And so, as I think about that little card that my cousin found, I can't help but smile. It serves as a reminder of the incredible woman who was my grandmother, and of the values that she taught me to live by.

These values continue to guide me in my work at Mr Nice Weird 🫠, where we strive to bring together individuals and organizations that share Gramma Jean's beliefs in truth, beauty, goodness, equality, and justice. Our mission is to build innovative and impactful strategies, concepts & connections that deliver value to our clients and achieve their business goals.

As we continue to grow and evolve, I am confident that Gramma Jean's legacy will live on through our work. And so, I dedicate this post to her, and to all of the grandmothers who have inspired us to be better, stronger, and more loving. Thank you for your wisdom, your kindness, and your unwavering commitment to what is good and true in this world.

About the author

Nick Bianchi

Nick believes in the power of unconventional thinking and bringing something new and fresh to the table. By embracing both the "nice" and "weird" connections, Nick and his network strive to create stronger relationships and innovative solutions.